I thought you might mind the following of interest--a different approach to the game of Mao as we play it here in Oklahoma. I submit the following in hopes you will post it on the internet. OKLAHOMAN MAO We have four players: Jeff, Justin, Robert, and Kyle. Kyle is new to Mao, Robert has played a little before, and Jeff and Justin are experienced players. Jeff is Dealer. Jeff says, "I am Mao." and then, "Fairy rules are in effect." [deals 5 cards to all players] [places deck on table] Robert picks up cards. Jeff says, "Touching cards." and deals a card to Robert. [Jeff turns over top card, 6 of clubs] Justin plays a 2 of clubs and says, "Hi!" Robert sees a hot chick and is distracted and after 5 seconds, Jeff deals a card to him and says, "5 seconds." Robert puts down a Jack of Clubs and Justin yells, "Hearts." Kyle puts down a Queen of Hearts and Jeff deals a card to him and says, "Homosexuality." Jeff puts down a 7 of hearts and says, "Have a nice day." Justin plays a 7 of clubs and says, "Have a very nice day." Robert puts down a 9 of clubs. Jeff deals 5 cards to him and says, "Failure to play a 7." He waits a second, deals another card to him and says, "Failure to say 'WOOHOO!!!' " Robert says, "WOOHOO!!!" Kyle puts down a 7 of clubs. [2 decks are used, though it doesn't matter] Jeff gives him a card and says, "Failure to say, 'Have a nice day!' " Jeff plays a 2 of clubs. Robert gives a card to Jeff, saying, "Failure to say 'Hi!' " Jeff gives the card back and gives him another and says, "Correcting Mao." Justin plays an Ace of clubs. Jeff plays a Jack of clubs and says "Diamonds." Kyle plays and Ace of diamonds. Jeff plays an 8 of diamonds and says, "Mao." Justin plays a 2 of diamonds, and Jeff gives it back and says, "Bad Play!!!" Robert plays another 8 of diamonds, Jeff gives him a card and says, "Cloning." Jeff draws a card and plays the Queen of diamonds. Justin plays a Queen of spades, and Jeff gives him a card and says, "Homosexuality." Robert plays a Jack of spades, says, "Hearts.", and Jeff deals him 2 cards, saying, "Multiple Partners." Kyle plays a 2 of hearts and says "Hi!" Jeff plays a 3 of hearts and says, "Game!" Later, they discuss the game, and Justin says, "I hate fairy rules. Could you imagine a KJQQJKK? 6 cards, yuck." Jeff Keeling