Mao: Index of Links

The version of Mao shown in my sample game is the "Waterloo variant" (Toronto discontinuous subtype) as defined by Jason Holtzapple's Mao page, in which he also gives a family tree of the versions.

Here are some other Mao pages:

as well as a number of other pages that actually display the rules of Mao. (See also: "sacrilege" and "blasphemy".)

How to Start Your Own Game of Mao

This is a hub for a collection of WWWeb pages I am writing (over an extended span of time) for people who wish to start their own game of Mao and want some clarification.

Other Versions of Mao

Since I posted the sample game on my site, some people have written to me showing other variants, which I have posted. Please let me know if you have heard of any interesting variations.

Follow this link for my opening Web page.
I can be reached at